All students can participate virtually in our St. Charles Garnier Spirit Week! Monday- HAT DAY Tuesday- SPORT JERSEY DAY Wednesday- TROPICAL DAY Thursday- CRAZY HAIR DAY Friday- PJ DAY
All students can participate virtually in our St. Charles Garnier Spirit Week! Monday- HAT DAY Tuesday- SPORT JERSEY DAY Wednesday- TROPICAL DAY Thursday- CRAZY HAIR DAY Friday- PJ DAY
Dear Parents and Guardians,
I am the president of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul at St. Mary Immaculate Church in Richmond Hill. I understand that we are not able to ask schools to gather gift baskets and gift cards this year. However, I please ask that students, parents, as well as teachers and staff see the attached flyer, ... Continue reading "Society of Saint Vincent de Paul at St. Mary Immaculate Church in Richmond Hill"
Starting Monday, November 16th, you can go to this link and purchase books from scholastic. The Fair will run for 2 weeks! Books will be shipped directly to your home. Your purchases will help support our school library.
SCG Thanks you!
A Virtual presentation by Dr. Morea will take place on Wednesday, November 18th at 7:00 p.m. It will be an excellent and informative presentation dealing with Anxiety, and how best to support your children and each other through these extremely challenging times.
Last year, the Crochet Club of SCG, embarked on a special project to utilize their talent for a good cause. The students knitted a number of poppies to be sold for a limited time. To honor our Veterans, and with Remembrance Day coming up, we are selling the knitted poppies for $5.00 each. This is for a limited time only and on a first-come-first-served basis. ... Continue reading ""